Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Session 404 - Monologue Revised

Here is my (mostly) final monologue shot! I'm going to make a couple more tweaks and add some scenery and maybe a hat or something before the end of the class, but right now i've moved on to my 2-person dialogue shot so the rest of the stuff for this one will have to wait. I think this shot has progressed a ton since last class, and i'm pretty happy with it. Enjoy!

Class 4 Monologue -

Session 312 - Acting Shot Revised

Okay it has been forever since i updated this (again) but i've got some cool stuff coming. This here is a revision of my 'acting' shot that has been nicely rendered out. I am actually in session 404 right now, but this shot was finished during session 312. I didn't post the shot from the end of class 3 because that one rolled over into class 4, and I am just finishing up the final revisions of it. I'll post it soon! I swear!

Class 3 Acting Shot Revised and Rendered -

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